To our dearest Ate Joie,
Exactly 12 years ago when came in our lives - Tatay, Ate Arielle and of course me, your mom. If I remember it right I just finished ironing our clothes and I was watching something in our t.v. when i felt some pain. And the pain were stronger, eh I have this small tolerance of pain, just a little of it parang kung napaano na ang nangyari. So your tatay decided to bring me to Lipa Medix Hospital while Ate Arielle was left in the care of Lola Coring.
Few hours after you came out but I got worried because I NEVER HEARD YOU CRY not until a few minutes. Your tatay told me that for a few hours an oxygen have to be administer to you, but after a while you could breathe on your own already. The first time I saw you, you were so small, as in. Tears fell from my eyes. So I vowed to myself to breastfeed you as much as I can. After 2 days my OB-GYNE told me that I could go home already but your Pediatrician did not allow you to leave the hospital yet for you have jaundice so you have to stay for a few more days in the Nursery and I really felt so bad and so sad.
And finally when you were allowed to go home, your tatay and I were so happy because FINALLY your Ate Arielle will finally see you and so as the rest of the family. You were breastfed just for a month and a half becuase you were so MATAKAW that a formula milk has to be given, as an alternative for the breast milk. Just for a few month, grabe, ang bilis ng paglaki mo, LITERALLY.
And now as you turn 12, you're still MATAKAW. But I am happy that you love to eat and is very healthy rather than seeing you have and asthma. You and I are TOTALLY OPPOSITE, but as the saying goes OPPOSITE ATTRACTS. Just like Ate Arielle, we have our fights, petty quarrels and all but I guess that is part of a mother-daughter relationship and just like Ate Arielle we could talk and sort out our differences. I also allow you to air your side, tell me how you feel and all.
And now that your 12, here are few hopes, wishes and dreams I have for you:
1. I wish that you will always be healthy, no more asthma attack for you. Hirap mo kaya painumin ng gamot.
2. Please study hard, as I always tell you and Ate Arielle, EDUCATION is the only TREASURE your tatay and I could give the three of you. Para at the same time you could be whatever you want to be in the future.
3. Continue doing what your good at, like your drawing skills. As much as we want you to have that "training", you know we can't give it to you but despite of it, You still prove me and tatay that you're doing and giving your best in this field.
4. Lastly, choose friends that will help you grow into a better person. You are a smart young lady Joie, I know you could find friends carefully.
I hope that when you've reached your dream(s) you will never forget your sisters, tatay and me. I am so proud of you, Anak (and I know that tatay is too) and continue to make us proud.
Always remember that, we may fight or have quarrels, I love you so much and dearly. You never fail to make me and the whole family laugh, Ate Joie.
Study hard, anak. God bless you! Always remember that mommy and tatay are always here for you.
I love you so very much... Always...