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September 21, 2011

Our First Date...

*I made this few months ago and I want to share it with you*

Dear Francis,
Last Saturday, June 25, you told me to take a bath earlier than the usual and dress up not in a casual way. But before I fixed myself, I made sure that the kids have taken their baths; I sterilized the bottles of Amaya (Yes, my youngest is still bottle-fed); I made sure that there is still some food left for the kids. After that I took my bath and fixed myself so we will not be late.
We left at exactly 10:00 a.m. so that you could go first to a farm where you have an appointment. We left the farm at 11:45 a.m. and You knew that I am hungry already. By this time I still don't know where we are going.
Until we arrived at the gate of Canyon Woods. We were invited by a certain group to listen to something that they are offering. So this is not an ideal date actually. The offered free lunch and there we ate before the said "seminar". They said it will just take 90 minutes of our time but it took the whole afternoon. We went on a simple tour inside Canyon Woods. And I could say, that I was impressed with what I saw, it was beautiful inside and outside of the said vicinity.
After that we were allowed to take a tour of the whole village but due to tome constraint, I told you that I just wanted to see the Chapel. And we went. It was beautiful inside and of course I was able to pray. You already knew what I usually ask and pray for.
After Canyon Woods you were asking where to go next, since I am thinking of the kids, I said let's go home BUT since you knew me too much, you asked me if I still want to pass and look around Paseo and I immediately said yes.
When we arrived at Paseo, we went window shopping first before we ate dinner. It was a simple one, nothing fancy but for me it is better than okay because it was just the two of us. After 13 years of marriage, it was only now that we went out, no boisterous kids. Just the two of us eating dinner quietly, and I liked it. Then after dinner we still went around because you ate a lot. For the first time, we walked hand in hand around the place as if we have a world of our own.
After walking through a lot of shops we decided to go home because of the kids and it is already past 7 p.m. On our way home, after quite a long time, while you were driving I placed my head on your shoulder. And it felt good.
To be honest, it really does feel good. A day just the two of us. It may not be a fancy date nor we went out shopping but the simplicity of it all and having each other that day is far more the best of all.

Our FIRST DATE after 13 years of being parents and it felt good. I have told you this but it may take some time again to have a date like what we had but i know SOOOOON.

Thanks for the "time out" and for the date.

I love you so much...

The Only Wife,

Mrs. Ma. Teresa Grech Q. Racal